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27/07/2024 @ 16:08:23
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\\ Bienvenidos : Post
65 horas a la semana. Qu pasa en Europa?
Por Admin (del 27/06/2008 @ 19:14:48, en Servicios Pblicos, leer 4008 veces)
Se acaba de aprobar en el Parlamento Europeo la Directiva relativa a procedimientos y normas comunes en los Estados miembros para el retorno de los nacionales de terceros pases que se encuentren ilegalmente en su territorio, conocida coloquialmente como Directiva de Retorno.

Y por otra parte se pretende aprobar otra Directiva que regula la semana laboral de 65 horas.

La respuesta a la pregunta del enunciado es que estamos en una Europa con hegemona conservadora o de derechas y que pretenden llevar a cabo reformas que en su pas tendran dificultades y quieren imponerlas desde el marco europeo.

Para los espaoles significa, de aprobarse las dos directivas, un retroceso importante en cuanto a derechos sociales que nos tiene que llevar a la toma de posicionamiento y de movilizacin para concienciar y conseguir su rechazo.

Bien vale un debate en el Pleno Municipal para posicionarse en contra de estas Directivas y de inicio de una campaa de concienciacin desde la institucin municipal hacia los vecinos de Leganés.

De momento los sindicatos europeos, aprovechando la movilizacin mundial contra el trabajo precario, han unido sus fuerzas para aadir a ese da un rechazo a la Directiva europea de las 65 horas
Artculo Artculo  Archivo Histrico Imprimir Imprimir
# 1
Estoy de acuerdo en que el Ayuntamiento tiene que tomar postura ante estos hechos, aunque creo que el PSOE lo tiene crudo porque sus socioslistos en el Parlamento Europeo han votado a favor. Y como Montoya no quiere enfrentarse a sus mayores, no habra mocion

Y por supuesto Izquierda Hundida seguira como perrito faldero a los sociolistos, no sea que le quiten las prebendas.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/06/2008 @ 20:20:49)
# 2
Se ha publicado el pliego de condiciones para la prestacin del servicio de atencin infantil en vacaciones escolares de verano del ao 2008. Expe 75/2008.

Es una actividad de la Delegacin de Mujer.

Entre los requisitos que se establecen para ser adjudicatario de este servicio, hay alguno que es de carcter excluyente y que parece que esta puesto para que solo sea una entidad en concreto la adjudicataria.

En el pliego de condiciones técnicas en su apartado 2 se exige tener piscina.

No importa si las ofertas pudieran ser mejor en cuanto a servicios, calidad de estos, proyecto de animacin y ocio, alimentacin, etc.; lo que importa y excluye es la piscina que solamente la tiene uno en concreto.

Si adems le sumamos que han cerrado la piscina Solagua, pues se los damos a uno en concreto.

Bueno ya sabemos que solamente una entidad lo podr reunir: LA CEMU de Alberto Muiz; el mismo al que le han adjudicado algunos proyectos de obras y otras adjudicaciones.

Esto parece que ronda entre los mismos de siempre.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  28/06/2008 @ 15:50:52)
# 3
Artculos de inters:
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  28/06/2008 @ 16:11:20)
# 4
"Ni pidas a quien pidi; ni sirvas a quien sirvi; ni dudes de que el lacayo jams de revelar al amo mientras tenga su diario plato de lentejas.

Almas de ovejas!!

La Aguja
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  29/06/2008 @ 13:49:48)
# 5
Deben existir dos "Agujas". Una de ellas, de ltima hora, revela por rebela, mezclando churras y merinas en el mismo saco.
IU, hoy, no est para seguir rogando en silencio el diario plato de lentejas.
La alternativa a la pobredumbre social del Partido que Sobra a los Obreros Espaoles est a punto de nacer.

La Aguja de hace ms de 15 aos.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  29/06/2008 @ 14:05:10)
# 6
Deben existir dos "Agujas". Una de ellas, de ltima hora, revela por rebela, mezclando churras y merinas en el mismo saco.
IU, hoy, no est para seguir rogando en silencio el diario plato de lentejas.
La alternativa a la pobredumbre social del Partido que Sobra a los Obreros Espaoles est a punto de nacer.

La Aguja de hace ms de 15 aos.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  29/06/2008 @ 14:05:34)
# 7

MADRID.-Pinto.- IU estudiar apoyar una posible mocin de censura en septiembre si el Gobierno local no cambia su "inanicin poltica"

El coordinador local de Izquierda Unida en Pinto, Carlos Penit, dio hoy de plazo hasta septiembre para que el Gobierno municipal (PP y Juntos por Pinto, JpP) salga de su "inanicin poltica" o, de lo contrario, su Grupo estudiar "establecer los mecanismos polticos posibles que permitan una nueva mayora que pudiese llevar a cabo lo no hecho hasta ahora y recuperar el tiempo perdido", en clara alusin al respaldo a una posible mocin de censura del Partido Socialista contra el Ejecutivo municipal.
Aunque Penit evit pronunciarse sobre "futuribles no concretados", s advirti de que "la prioridad" es cambiar "la inanicin de la poltica del Gobierno del PP", que se caracteriza, segn explic, por la "atona de sus iniciativas", actitud que se traduce en la ausencia de residencia municipal y de aparcamientos pblicos, por ejemplo. "Simplemente hay inestabilidad poltica", apostill el concejal.
En este sentido, Penit pidi al Ejecutivo de Miriam Rabaneda (PP) que se pronuncie sobre la aprobacin del Plan General de Ordenacin Urbana (PGOU) y sobre la aprobacin del Espacio del Motor y su circuito de Frmula 1. El apoyo a este proyecto es precisamente el foco de conflicto que mantiene enfrentado al concejal de Juntos por Pinto Reyes Maestre con su propio Gobierno municipal.


Creo que esta noticia es falsa porque no creo que Penit-IU quiera pactar con un trnsfuga de Juntos por Pinto que ahora quiere el circuito de coches, poltica que debe ser muy prioritaria y social para IU.

Qué curioso que a Penit le preocupe de Pinto el Plan General y el circuito de coches, en algo tiene en comn con su amigo Calle, que hasta ahora no nos ha propuesto un circuito en Leganés, debe ser porque no estamos en campaa.
Bueno cuando el ro suena quiere decir que habr mocin de censura en Pinto, que Penit ser el prximo concejal de urbanismo y que seguir de spiker del anterior alcalde viajero. Recuperando el viejo modelo del anterior mandato y que en esta han copiado en Leganés sus colegas.


Un nico concejal de IU nunca fue tan importante.

PD.- Penit fue alcalde con mayora absoluta en Pinto, luego vino la inhabilitacin como cargo pblico y ahora es el nico concejal de IU desde 1800, ms o menos.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  02/07/2008 @ 18:15:42)
# 8
Propongo que si se va hacer un RETRATO a Calle se le encargue al dibujante de Mortadelo y Filemn.

Calle posara con uno de los trajes de BOSS que tiene, con un retrato de Florentino sobre la mesa y sin patillas de Garulllll.

El retrato debera ser colgado en la galera de alcaldes y mirando hacia la plaza mayor, con una replica de este retrato en un nuevo monigote del reloj de la Plaza Mayor.

Por  Anonimo  (enviado  02/07/2008 @ 18:45:48)
# 9
Mejor colocar el RETRATO de Calle a la entrada de la Plaza Mayor como est el de MAO a la entrada a la Ciudad Prohibida en Pekn.

Calle con traje de BOSS parece un estadista.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  02/07/2008 @ 19:38:26)
# 10
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  04/07/2008 @ 11:21:46)
# 11
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  04/07/2008 @ 13:42:26)
# 12
Hola, que tl
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  12/07/2008 @ 11:11:20)
# 13
Estos das se ha celebrado el VII Festival Inter-Cultural.

Lo patrocinaba Educacin o Festejos (Toros), aunque su concejal prefiri marcharse a Ecuador.

Aunque lo patrocinaba Festejos no haba nadie de IU Les importa algo lo que se debata en estos encuentros?

Con ms de 14 cargos de confianza ninguno se digno a acudir y eso que cobran del dinero pblico.

Pero lo ms destacable es que el jueves se celebr una mesa redonda sobre la segunda generacin de origen inmigrante y nueva ciudadana.

Hay que decir que aunque los eventos los organizaba una concejala de IU, IU no apareca para nada en los eventos.


En la Mesa Redonda participan diputadas del PSOE y son presentas por Ral Calle.

Esto se va entonando.

IU cada vez pinta menos y aparece ms sumisa al PSOE o mejor dicho a los salarios que cobran sus cargos de confianza y que dependen del nombramiento del Alcalde.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  13/07/2008 @ 23:33:57)
# 14
Los de IU estaban leyendo las tablas de Mariano de esa Fundacin de CCOO para saber cuanto comen, mean, fornican los habitantes de 71 ciudades del mundo. Eso era un trabajo intercultural de alta necesidad sindical. Que le paguen por eso al lelito del Maroto y a la liberada de CCOO de su mujer demuestra como esta el sindicato, pero su padrino Rodolfo Benito tiene que entretenerlo en algo, entre critica y critica a IU, estadistica al canto, como le pongan a estos las 65 horas son capaces de irse a vivir a Liliput, porque no trabajan ni 5 a la semana
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  14/07/2008 @ 23:27:11)
# 15
Yo también quiero ser alcalde (y funcionario a dedo)
Hace unos das un estudio de un grupo financiero italiano indicaba que Espaa tiene la Administracin Pblica ms barata de Europa. Debe ser por ello que la gran mayora de alcaldes de este pas se ha subido el sueldo, debe ser por ello que a cada legislatura se van nombrando trabajadores de la administracin a familiares y amigos, acumulndose a los ya existentes ... aunque la eficiencia deje mucho que desear, aunque el trabajo brille por ausencia (a algunos ni les hace falta acudir a su puesto para cobrar el sueldo religiosamente).
En muchos aspectos tenemos administraciones triplicadas (europea, estatal y local), incluso cuadruplicadas (consejos comarcales) ... an se pueden quintuplicar, seguro que en ms de un lugar ya se ha llegado a ese nivel, en otros lo estn preparando (Catalunya, p.e., cuando se creen las veguerias). Me diréis que no, que cada Administracin tiene sus competencias marcadas por la ley. Os responderé que s, que tenéis razn, que todo queda bien plasmadito en el papel, competencias exclusivas y competencias compartidas.
Tanta Administracin, tanta competencia, tanta gente ... que queda la casa por barrer (competencias incompetentes). As que, se excusan los dirigentes, no queda otro remedio que acudir a contratar, subcontratar, los servicios de empresas (amigas, of course) para ofrecer el servicio al ciudadano. Mientras tanto, el dinero de éste se difumina entre tanto laberinto ... y el servicio deja mucho que desear.

Cada da que pasa rizamos el rizo inventndonos trabajos que no son ms que humo. Todos estos despropsitos hacen mucho dao al funcionario eficiente, al buen técnico, no les suelen dejar hacer su trabajo, molestan ... podran dejar en evidencia al resto. Tanto trabajador pblico y FALTAN MDICOS, FALTAN MAESTROS!!! ... los administradores nos dicen que es que no hay presupuesto.

Ms del 90% de los alcaldes se han subido el sueldo tras las elecciones del 27-M
Las subidas son de una media del 30%.
El alcalde de Mijas (Mlaga) era el mejor pagado con 126.000 euros anuales.
Izquierda Unida ha propuesto un pacto de Estado para frenar los 'abusos'.
Mil funcionarios y decenas de contratados desbordan el Ayuntamiento de Ourense

El personal consume 33 de los 78 millones de euros del presupuesto municipal
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  19/07/2008 @ 17:31:51)
# 16
Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more,There are two types of swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  22/10/2008 @ 10:13:11)
# 17
Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more,There are two types of swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  22/10/2008 @ 10:41:39)
# 18
Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more,There are two types of swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  22/10/2008 @ 10:50:57)
# 19
The green laser pointers, series Green Laser, directory of Taiwan china auto parts Manufacturers, hot forging, An embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment, ball valve. The expansion valve manufacturers and expansion valve suppliers directory.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  22/10/2008 @ 16:40:37)
# 20
Buy EQ2 Gold, Cheap EQ2 Gold , maplestory mesos etc.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  22/10/2008 @ 16:55:30)
# 21
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  23/10/2008 @ 10:14:51)
# 22
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  23/10/2008 @ 11:17:40)
# 23
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  23/10/2008 @ 11:52:56)
# 24
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  23/10/2008 @ 12:07:00)
# 25
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  23/10/2008 @ 12:35:07)
# 26
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  23/10/2008 @ 13:51:57)
# 27
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  23/10/2008 @ 14:50:47)
# 28
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  23/10/2008 @ 14:53:03)
# 29
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  23/10/2008 @ 15:33:51)
# 30
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  23/10/2008 @ 16:03:53)
# 31
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  23/10/2008 @ 16:40:36)
# 32
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  23/10/2008 @ 17:52:01)
# 33
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  23/10/2008 @ 18:29:30)
# 34
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  23/10/2008 @ 20:00:06)
# 35
The green laser pointers, series green laser,directory of taiwan china auto parts manufacturers,an embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment.The expansion valve manufacturers and expansion valve suppliers directory.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  24/10/2008 @ 11:07:54)
# 36
The green laser pointers, series green laser,directory of taiwan china auto parts manufacturers,an embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment.The expansion valve manufacturers and expansion valve suppliers directory.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  24/10/2008 @ 11:13:09)
# 37
The green laser pointers, series green laser,directory of taiwan china auto parts manufacturers,an embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment.The expansion valve manufacturers and expansion valve suppliers directory.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  24/10/2008 @ 11:32:14)
# 38
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts.the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting,Find sand casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  24/10/2008 @ 11:53:45)
# 39
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts.the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting,Find sand casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  24/10/2008 @ 12:10:44)
# 40
We have red replica jacob watch, green replica jacob watch, yellow swiss replica watch, white swiss replica watch, omega replica watch etc.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  24/10/2008 @ 12:30:49)
# 41
We have red replica jacob watch, green replica jacob watch, yellow swiss replica watch, white swiss replica watch, omega replica watch etc.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  24/10/2008 @ 13:02:41)
# 42
The vitiligo pamphlet vitiligo is a skin, an introduction to vitiligo by the vitiligo society.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  24/10/2008 @ 14:23:05)
# 43
Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more,There are two types of swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  24/10/2008 @ 15:09:21)
# 44
Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more,There are two types of swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  24/10/2008 @ 15:44:24)
# 45
We have red watch replica, green watch replica, yellow
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 06:47:58)
# 46
We have red watch replica, green watch replica, yellow
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 06:48:23)
# 47
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts.the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting,Find sand casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 07:14:31)
# 48
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts.the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting,Find sand casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 07:20:41)
# 49
The green laser pointers, series Green Laser, directory of Taiwan china auto parts Manufacturers, hot forging, An embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment. The vitiligo pamphlet vitiligo is a skin.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 07:29:41)
# 50
The green laser pointers, series Green Laser, directory of Taiwan china auto parts Manufacturers, hot forging, An embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment. The vitiligo pamphlet vitiligo is a skin.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 07:37:39)
# 51
The green laser pointers, series Green Laser, directory of Taiwan china auto parts Manufacturers, hot forging, An embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment. The vitiligo pamphlet vitiligo is a skin.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 07:39:31)
# 52
Concrete vibrator motor catalog and Concrete vibrator motor manufacturer, plate compactor, kitchen faucet, faucet Manufacturers, ball valve, air compressor, silk scarves.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 07:43:56)
# 53
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 08:25:32)
# 54
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 08:29:58)
# 55
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 08:31:25)
# 56
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 08:43:29)
# 57
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 08:44:44)
# 58
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 09:00:18)
# 59
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 09:03:42)
# 60
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 09:04:02)
# 61
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 09:06:42)
# 62
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 09:13:10)
# 63
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 09:18:38)
# 64
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 09:25:13)
# 65
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 09:35:05)
# 66
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 09:40:55)
# 67
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 09:46:00)
# 68
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 10:02:07)
# 69
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 10:04:36)
# 70
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 10:17:24)
# 71
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 10:21:52)
# 72
We sell replica handbags, the finest replica handbags, designer replica handbags.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  27/10/2008 @ 15:27:00)
# 73
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  28/10/2008 @ 11:45:57)
# 74
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  28/10/2008 @ 16:23:10)
# 75
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  28/10/2008 @ 16:29:03)
# 76
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  28/10/2008 @ 18:22:29)
# 77
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  28/10/2008 @ 19:34:45)
# 78
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  28/10/2008 @ 19:55:29)
# 79
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  28/10/2008 @ 20:14:51)
# 80
The green laser pointers, series Green Laser, directory of Taiwan china auto parts Manufacturers, An embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment. The vitiligo pamphlet vitiligo is a skin.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  29/10/2008 @ 11:04:51)
# 81
Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more,There are two types of swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  29/10/2008 @ 17:47:41)
# 82
# 83
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts,Find sand casting, green sand casting, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  01/11/2008 @ 17:04:05)
# 84
The green laser pointers, series Green Laser, directory of Taiwan china auto parts Manufacturers, air filter housing, A filter housing containing, Automatic capsule filling machine.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  01/11/2008 @ 17:24:47)
# 85
We sell replica handbags, the finest replica handbags, designer replica handbags, yoghurt filling machine, yogurt, cup filling machine.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  01/11/2008 @ 17:34:18)
# 86
Edging Power Trowel, kifah power trowel, producing Plate compactor, kifah plate compactor, concrete vibrator, vibrator motor.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  01/11/2008 @ 17:57:35)
# 87
Edging Power Trowel, kifah power trowel, producing Plate compactor, kifah plate compactor, concrete vibrator, vibrator motor.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  01/11/2008 @ 17:59:43)
# 88
Thousands of UPS manufacturer, offering UPS Manufacturer, uninterruptible power supply,silk scarves wholesale, italian silk scarves,omron temperature controller, digital temperature controller.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  01/11/2008 @ 18:27:29)
# 89
Also view fuel dispenser products and fuel dispenser, Laminate Flooring Site - Laminate Flooring information, glass machinery, filter cloth.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  01/11/2008 @ 18:53:22)
# 90
Also view fuel dispenser products and fuel dispenser, Laminate Flooring Site - Laminate Flooring information, glass machinery, filter cloth.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  01/11/2008 @ 18:53:51)
# 91
Also view fuel dispenser products and fuel dispenser, Laminate Flooring Site - Laminate Flooring information, glass machinery, filter cloth.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  01/11/2008 @ 18:54:13)
# 92
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting,Find sand casting, green sand casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  03/11/2008 @ 11:22:57)
# 93
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting,Find sand casting, green sand casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  03/11/2008 @ 11:34:22)
# 94
Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more,The vitiligo pamphlet vitiligo is a skin,An embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  03/11/2008 @ 11:44:50)
# 95
The green laser pointers, series Green Laser,Laminate Flooring Site - Laminate Flooring information, china auto parts Manufacturers.temperature controller, digital temperature controller.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  03/11/2008 @ 12:01:25)
# 96
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  04/11/2008 @ 12:17:35)
# 97
We have yellow replica jacob watch, white replica jacob watch, swiss replica watch, green swiss replica watch, red watch replicaetc. Find Pressure gauge on GlobalSpec by specifications. Pressure gauges are used for a variety, omron temperature controller.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  05/11/2008 @ 09:30:02)
# 98
Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more,There are two types of swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  05/11/2008 @ 09:41:23)
# 99
Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more,There are two types of swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  05/11/2008 @ 09:46:53)
# 100
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts,Find sand casting, green sand casting, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  05/11/2008 @ 10:04:08)
# 101
The vitiligo pamphlet vitiligo is a skin,An embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment. The green laser pointers, series Green Laser, Laminate Flooring Site - Laminate Flooring information.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  05/11/2008 @ 10:14:10)
# 102
The vitiligo pamphlet vitiligo is a skin,An embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment. The green laser pointers, series Green Laser, Laminate Flooring Site - Laminate Flooring information.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  05/11/2008 @ 10:16:01)
# 103
The vitiligo pamphlet vitiligo is a skin,An embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment. The green laser pointers, series Green Laser, Laminate Flooring Site - Laminate Flooring information.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  05/11/2008 @ 10:16:35)
# 104
The vitiligo pamphlet vitiligo is a skin,An embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment. The green laser pointers, series Green Laser, Laminate Flooring Site - Laminate Flooring information.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  05/11/2008 @ 10:19:12)
# 105
The vitiligo pamphlet vitiligo is a skin,An embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment. The green laser pointers, series Green Laser, Laminate Flooring Site - Laminate Flooring information.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  05/11/2008 @ 10:24:01)
# 106
jacob watch, swiss replica watch, green swiss replica watch, yellow replica jacob watch, gold replica jacob watch, red watch replica, white replica etc.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  07/11/2008 @ 02:58:36)
# 107
jacob watch, swiss replica watch, green swiss replica watch, yellow replica jacob watch, gold replica jacob watch, red watch replica, white replica etc.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  07/11/2008 @ 03:01:57)
# 108
jacob watch, swiss replica watch, green swiss replica watch, yellow replica jacob watch, gold replica jacob watch, red watch replica, white replica etc.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  07/11/2008 @ 03:07:01)
# 109
jacob watch, swiss replica watch, green swiss replica watch, yellow replica jacob watch, gold replica jacob watch, red watch replica, white replica etc.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  07/11/2008 @ 03:07:12)
# 110
Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more,There are two types of swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  07/11/2008 @ 03:08:03)
# 111
Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more,There are two types of swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  07/11/2008 @ 03:09:22)
# 112
Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more,There are two types of swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  07/11/2008 @ 03:14:42)
# 113
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting,Find sand casting, green sand casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  07/11/2008 @ 03:27:07)
# 114
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting,Find sand casting, green sand casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  07/11/2008 @ 03:27:47)
# 115
Find Pressure gauge on GlobalSpec by specifications. Pressure gauges are used for a variety, china auto parts, sheet metal fabrication.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  07/11/2008 @ 04:25:57)
# 116
Sell yellow replica jacob watch, gold replica jacob watch, swiss replica watch, green swiss replica watch, red watch replica, white replica etc.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  10/11/2008 @ 04:45:33)
# 117
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting,Find sand casting, green sand casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  10/11/2008 @ 04:58:48)
# 118
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting,Find sand casting, green sand casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  10/11/2008 @ 05:04:46)
# 119
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting,Find sand casting, green sand casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  10/11/2008 @ 05:06:10)
# 120
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting,Find sand casting, green sand casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  10/11/2008 @ 05:07:09)
# 121
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting,Find sand casting, green sand casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  10/11/2008 @ 05:08:48)
# 122
An embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment, The vitiligo pamphlet vitiligo is a skin,The green laser pointers, series Green Laser, Laminate Flooring Site - Laminate Flooring information, swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  10/11/2008 @ 05:25:06)
# 123
An embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment, The vitiligo pamphlet vitiligo is a skin,The green laser pointers, series Green Laser, Laminate Flooring Site - Laminate Flooring information, swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  10/11/2008 @ 05:26:03)
# 124
An embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment, The vitiligo pamphlet vitiligo is a skin,The green laser pointers, series Green Laser, Laminate Flooring Site - Laminate Flooring information, swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  10/11/2008 @ 05:26:14)
# 125
Has professinal Punch press and Hot mould forging press machines, our technology of Punch press is very advanced and we provide excellent Punch Press to our customers,expansion valve.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  10/11/2008 @ 05:34:40)
# 126
Find Pressure gauge on GlobalSpec by specifications. Pressure gauges are used for a variety.Energy saving lamp,filter cloth, right filter cloth.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  10/11/2008 @ 05:49:48)
# 127
Sell yellow replica jacob watch, gold replica jacob watch, swiss replica watch, green swiss replica watch, red watch replica, white replica etc, sheet metal fabrication.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  12/11/2008 @ 04:45:10)
# 128
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  12/11/2008 @ 05:10:03)
# 129
An embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment, The vitiligo pamphlet vitiligo is a skin,The green laser pointers, series Green Laser, Laminate Flooring Site - Laminate Flooring information.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  12/11/2008 @ 05:24:45)
# 130
An embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment, The vitiligo pamphlet vitiligo is a skin,The green laser pointers, series Green Laser, Laminate Flooring Site - Laminate Flooring information.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  12/11/2008 @ 05:24:58)
# 131
An embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment, The vitiligo pamphlet vitiligo is a skin,The green laser pointers, series Green Laser, Laminate Flooring Site - Laminate Flooring information.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  12/11/2008 @ 05:34:44)
# 132
Has professinal Punch press and Hot mould forging press machines, our technology of Punch press is very advanced and we provide excellent Punch Press to our customers,Energy saving lamp,,filter cloth, right filter cloth.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  12/11/2008 @ 05:41:46)
# 133
Sell yellow replica jacob watch, gold replica jacob watch, swiss replica watch, green swiss replica watch, ,filter cloth, right filter cloth.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  14/11/2008 @ 10:26:28)
# 134
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting, sheet metal fabrication.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  14/11/2008 @ 10:52:21)
# 135
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting, sheet metal fabrication.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  14/11/2008 @ 10:53:28)
# 136
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting, sheet metal fabrication.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  14/11/2008 @ 11:07:26)
# 137
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting, sand casting, sheet metal fabrication.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  17/11/2008 @ 04:51:05)
# 138
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting, sand casting, sheet metal fabrication.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  17/11/2008 @ 04:53:56)
# 139
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting, sand casting, sheet metal fabrication.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  17/11/2008 @ 04:57:09)
# 140
The vitiligo pamphlet vitiligo is a skin, laminate flooring site - Laminate flooring information, an embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment, the green laser pointers, series green laser.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  17/11/2008 @ 05:17:33)
# 141
Has professinal punch press, our technology of punch press is very advanced, china auto parts, hot forging, filter cloth, right filter cloth.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  17/11/2008 @ 05:35:25)
# 142
Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more,There are two types of swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  17/11/2008 @ 05:38:27)
# 143
Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more,There are two types of swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  17/11/2008 @ 05:41:05)
# 144
Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more,There are two types of swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  17/11/2008 @ 05:43:06)
# 145
Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more,There are two types of swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  17/11/2008 @ 05:44:54)
# 146
Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more,There are two types of swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  17/11/2008 @ 05:45:47)
# 147
Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more,There are two types of swimming pool pump.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  17/11/2008 @ 05:51:07)
# 148
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, sand casting, online for sand casting, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  19/11/2008 @ 07:40:18)
# 149
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, sand casting, online for sand casting, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  19/11/2008 @ 07:52:20)
# 150
The investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, sand casting, online for sand casting, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  19/11/2008 @ 07:53:21)
# 151
Has professinal Punch press, our technology of Punch press is very advanced, filter cloth, right filter cloth, pneumatic cylinder.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  19/11/2008 @ 08:28:21)
# 152
There are two types of swimming pool pump, Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more, sheet metal fabrication, filter housing, china auto parts.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  19/11/2008 @ 08:34:52)
# 153
There are two types of swimming pool pump, Grainger is your source for water pumps, and water pumps for your home , find water pumps,auto water pumps, gasoline water pumps and more, sheet metal fabrication, filter housing, china auto parts.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  19/11/2008 @ 08:40:41)
# 154
The Steel casting are a specialized, Stainless steel casting, The ordering of steel casting takes, Wisconsin precision casting is your investment, Northern Precision Casting, There are metal casting Profiles, white metal casting, Meaning of cast steel, Quality Cast Steel,casting company,investment casting,lost wax casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  19/11/2008 @ 08:47:34)
# 155
The cheapest maplestory mesos, play maplestory mesos you can Buy maplestory mesos.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  19/11/2008 @ 08:54:34)
# 156
The cheapest maplestory mesos, play maplestory mesos you can Buy maplestory mesos.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  19/11/2008 @ 08:55:07)
# 157
The cheapest maplestory mesos, play maplestory mesos you can Buy maplestory mesos.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  19/11/2008 @ 08:56:19)
# 158
The vitiligo pamphlet vitiligo is a skin, so that vitiligo is suffered from; and a trauma is prone to get complicated in vitiligo too. Laminate Flooring Site - Laminate Flooring information, An embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  21/11/2008 @ 14:46:11)
# 159
The green laser pointers, series Green Laser, hot forging manufacturers, hot forging suppliers, sheet metal fabrication.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  21/11/2008 @ 14:49:57)
# 160
There are two types of swimming pool pump, Grainger is your source for pressure gauge, pressure gauges are devices,filter housing, Energy saving lamp.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  21/11/2008 @ 15:11:32)
# 161
There are two types of swimming pool pump, Grainger is your source for pressure gauge, pressure gauges are devices,filter housing, Energy saving lamp.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  21/11/2008 @ 15:13:57)
# 162
These proximity switches are ideal, proximity switches, power inverter, Has professinal Punch press, our technology of Punch press is very advanced, filter cloth.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  21/11/2008 @ 15:23:36)
# 163
These proximity switches are ideal, proximity switches, power inverter, Has professinal Punch press, our technology of Punch press is very advanced, filter cloth.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  21/11/2008 @ 15:31:13)
# 164
These proximity switches are ideal, proximity switches, power inverter, Has professinal Punch press, our technology of Punch press is very advanced, filter cloth.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  21/11/2008 @ 15:33:39)
# 165
The cheapest maplestory mesos, play maplestory mesos you can Buy maplestory mesos, cabal alz.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  21/11/2008 @ 15:44:19)
# 166
The cheapest maplestory mesos, play maplestory mesos you can Buy maplestory mesos, cabal alz.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  21/11/2008 @ 15:48:39)
# 167
Wisconsin precision casting is your investment, Northern Precision Casting,Meaning of cast steel, Quality Cast Steel, casting company,investment casting,The Steel casting are a specialized, Stainless steel casting, The ordering of steel casting takes, There are metal casting Profiles, white metal casting, lost wax casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  26/11/2008 @ 08:29:11)
# 168
Wisconsin precision casting is your investment, Northern Precision Casting,Meaning of cast steel, Quality Cast Steel, casting company,investment casting,The Steel casting are a specialized, Stainless steel casting, The ordering of steel casting takes, There are metal casting Profiles, white metal casting, lost wax casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  26/11/2008 @ 08:31:05)
# 169
Wisconsin precision casting is your investment, Northern Precision Casting,Meaning of cast steel, Quality Cast Steel, casting company,investment casting,The Steel casting are a specialized, Stainless steel casting, The ordering of steel casting takes, There are metal casting Profiles, white metal casting, lost wax casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  26/11/2008 @ 08:34:33)
# 170
The sand casting, sand casting video, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting, investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  26/11/2008 @ 08:41:30)
# 171
The sand casting, sand casting video, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting, investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  26/11/2008 @ 08:41:43)
# 172
The sand casting, sand casting video, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting, investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  26/11/2008 @ 08:41:59)
# 173
The sand casting, sand casting video, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting, investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  26/11/2008 @ 08:42:41)
# 174
The sand casting, sand casting video, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting, investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  26/11/2008 @ 08:50:26)
# 175
The sand casting, sand casting video, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting, investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  26/11/2008 @ 08:51:06)
# 176
The cheapest maplestory mesos, play maplestory mesos you can Buy maplestory mesos, cabal alz, as much Cabal Alz as you.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  26/11/2008 @ 09:05:13)
# 177
An hot forging manufacturers, hot forging suppliers,embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment. Laminate Flooring Site - Laminate Flooring information.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  26/11/2008 @ 09:20:49)
# 178
An hot forging manufacturers, hot forging suppliers,embroidery machine manufacturer and supplier of embroidery machine equipment. Laminate Flooring Site - Laminate Flooring information.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  26/11/2008 @ 09:22:06)
# 179
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  29/11/2008 @ 10:03:34)
# 180
Wisconsin precision casting is your investment, Northern Precision Casting,Meaning of cast steel, Quality Cast Steel, casting company,investment casting,The Steel casting are a specialized, Stainless steel casting, The ordering of steel casting takes, There are metal casting Profiles, white metal casting, lost wax casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  01/12/2008 @ 07:09:08)
# 181
Wisconsin precision casting is your investment, Northern Precision Casting,Meaning of cast steel, Quality Cast Steel, casting company,investment casting,The Steel casting are a specialized, Stainless steel casting, The ordering of steel casting takes, There are metal casting Profiles, white metal casting, lost wax casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  01/12/2008 @ 07:14:20)
# 182
Wisconsin precision casting is your investment, Northern Precision Casting,Meaning of cast steel, Quality Cast Steel, casting company,investment casting,The Steel casting are a specialized, Stainless steel casting, The ordering of steel casting takes, There are metal casting Profiles, white metal casting, lost wax casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  01/12/2008 @ 07:14:35)
# 183
Wisconsin precision casting is your investment, Northern Precision Casting,Meaning of cast steel, Quality Cast Steel, casting company,investment casting,The Steel casting are a specialized, Stainless steel casting, The ordering of steel casting takes, There are metal casting Profiles, white metal casting, lost wax casting.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  01/12/2008 @ 07:16:36)
# 184
The sand casting, sand casting video, investment casting from wisconsin precision casting corporation reduce the high cost of your machined investment casting parts, the lost wax casting,learn about lost wax casting, temperature controller, Filling machine.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  01/12/2008 @ 07:19:55)
# 185
The eq2 gold, Cheap eq2 Gold, sell eq2 Gold, cheapest maplestory mesos, play maplestory mesos you can Buy maplestory mesos.
Por  Anonimo  (enviado  01/12/2008 @ 07:28:14)
# 186
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Por  Christel  (enviado  17/07/2020 @ 22:43:04)
# 358
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Por  Michael  (enviado  23/07/2020 @ 03:52:18)
# 359
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Por  Roxie  (enviado  25/07/2020 @ 07:04:43)
# 360
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Por  Ethan  (enviado  26/07/2020 @ 00:36:30)
# 361
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Por  Elissa  (enviado  27/07/2020 @ 01:29:03)
# 362
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Por  Theresa  (enviado  27/07/2020 @ 14:49:41)
# 363
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Por  Louanne  (enviado  05/08/2020 @ 16:19:55)
# 364
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Por  Bailey  (enviado  05/08/2020 @ 19:41:11)
# 365
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Por  Brandon  (enviado  06/08/2020 @ 20:11:25)
# 366
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Por  Harriet  (enviado  13/08/2020 @ 22:24:09)
# 367
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Por  Demi  (enviado  14/08/2020 @ 00:45:23)
# 368
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Por  Danilo  (enviado  24/08/2020 @ 04:28:27)
# 369
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Por  Jefferson  (enviado  24/08/2020 @ 09:02:34)
# 370
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Por  Lonna  (enviado  24/08/2020 @ 23:47:52)
# 371
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Por  Rochell  (enviado  26/08/2020 @ 15:35:40)
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Por  Cheri  (enviado  28/08/2020 @ 07:27:01)
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Por  Emilio  (enviado  28/08/2020 @ 11:05:41)
# 374
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Por  Shelley  (enviado  28/08/2020 @ 12:05:10)
# 375
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Por  Jasmin  (enviado  31/08/2020 @ 03:40:06)
# 376
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Por  Justine  (enviado  31/08/2020 @ 13:05:23)
# 377
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Por  Darrin  (enviado  05/09/2020 @ 04:31:30)
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